We are focused on ensuring South Dakota digital collections are not just lost and are accessible to the public
By adopting a collection in the State Archives, you will not only save the jobs of two digitization specialist, but you will preserve South Dakota’s stories told through local photographs and documents.
Approximately 70,000 images and 1,288 maps are available on the South Dakota Digital Archives, and the goal is to add a minimum of 6,000 images annually.
Two professionally trained Archives' staff inventory, catalog, and scan the collection of photographs and negatives. They are then posted on the South Dakota Digital Archives. The photographs range from statewide historic buildings and structures to photographs of the Black Hills collections, including scenery, towns, railroads, and people. These collections date from the late 1800s to the early 1980s.
The collections will be readily available to the public via the internet for use in research, publishing projects, video documentaries, student history assignments, genealogy, and personal use. You can help us to preserve these images and thousands like them for generations to come.
Adopt a collection or make a gift in any amount. All gifts are appreciated!
Digitization Projects - adopt a collection to be digitized.
- John Brennan Collection (1,020 photos) - $17,690
- Commission on the Status of Women records (85-180) - $35,547
- Lt. Gov. Carole Hillard records (2008-26) - $18,241
- Alpha Mortenson Collection (3,801 photos) - $85,114
- Native American Collection (3,642 images) - $66,708 This is a large collection and costs may be broken down per collection upon request.
- South Dakota Buildings and Places Photograph Collection (109 photos) - $2,665
- South Dakota Immigration Collection (64 photos) - $2,267
- General Transportation Collection (920 photos) - $16,075
Note that the ongoing costs associated with the maintenance of the digital files and the ongoing hosting costs for accessibility on the South Dakota Digital Archives are not included in the cost estimate.
These collections have been adopted by the following generous donors.
- Jane Rooker Breeden Papers - adopted by Jane Page & Ruth Page Jones
- General Federation of Women's Clubs of South Dakota records adopted by Mary Chilton Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution through the Mary Chilton DAR Foundation
- Henry J. King Collection - adopted by Chuck & Bonny Schroyer
- Pickler Papers adopted by F. L. Clarkson Family Foundation
- Doane Robinson collection adopted by Verna Kay Bormann
- Abbie F. Whitney Collection adopted by Paul A. Brewer
Yes! I want to help make possible the preservation of these images!