Gov. Kristi Noem has proclaimed October as Archives Month in South Dakota.
“Through archives, future generation of South Dakotans can more accurately study the past, learn from the accomplishments of their predecessors, trace their ancestors, and understand their community’s heritage while celebrating the history of our state,” noted Gov. Noem in the proclamation.
Archives Month is celebrated nationally every year in October to highlight the importance of archives.
“History happens every day, and archives in South Dakota collect, preserve and make accessible the records that document these events,” said State archivist Chelle Somsen.
To help South Dakotans learn more about South Dakota history and the State Archives, the following activities are planned:
All Month: Adventures with Flat Doane
South Dakota’s first state historian, Doane Robinson, was accidentally flattened during some enthusiastic collections processing. Now that he’s free, we’re sending Doane to meet our wonderful friends. Flat Doane can be downloaded and printed from the State Archives website. Snap a photo with Doane at your favorite historical site, archives, museum, library, or post office and share it on social media with the hashtag #FlatDoane. You can also email your pics to We'll be tracking and sharing Doane's adventures throughout October!
Tuesday, Oct. 10: Electronic Records Day
Oct. 10 is designated as Electronic Records Day by the Council of State Archivists. Electronic files are much more fragile than paper records, and their long-term survival requires attention and planning. Watch the State Archives social media on Electronic Records Day for tips on preserving and managing electronic files.
Wednesday, Oct. 11, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. CDT (8 a.m.-3 p.m. MDT): #AskAnArchivist Day
#AskAnArchivist Day is a national event sponsored by the Society of American Archivists. Follow the Twitter conversation using #AskAnArchivist and send questions to @SDArchives.
Thursday, Oct. 19: YouTube premiere of “Recently Accessioned Manuscript Collections” presentation
Manuscript archivist Matthew T. Reitzel highlights manuscript collections processed within the last year at the State Archives.
Monday, Oct. 30, 7 p.m.: History Trivia Night at the St. Charles Lounge (207 E. Capitol Ave., Pierre).
History Trivia Night returns! Bring your team and compete to see who knows the most about South Dakota and U.S. history. Costumes encouraged (but optional).
More information on these activities, as well as a poster you can print and display, is available on the State Archives website (
About the South Dakota State Historical Society
The South Dakota State Historical Society is a division of the Department of Education. The State Historical Society, an Affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution since 2013, is headquartered in Pierre. For questions or memberships, call 605-773-3458 or visit for more information. The society also has an archaeology office in Rapid City; call 605-394-1936 for more information.