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Historical Society announces fall Deadwood Fund grant application deadline

Applications for the next round of the Deadwood Fund grant program are due Oct.1, 2024, for work beginning no sooner than Jan.1, 2025. Applicants must send complete application packets to the South Dakota State Historical Society (SDSHS) postmarked on or before the due date.

Funding for the program is from Deadwood gaming revenue earmarked by state law for historic preservation projects throughout the state and distributed by the SDSHS. The program is designed to encourage large-scale restoration or rehabilitation of historic properties by individuals, organizations, or public agencies.

Grants will be awarded in amounts ranging from $1,000 to $25,000. The grant amount must be matched on a dollar-for-dollar basis from non-federal and non-state sources. Nonprofit organizations will be allowed to use in-kind services for one-half of their match.

Grant applications are available online at

The total award amount for the Spring 2024 applications was $75,000 between six projects in five different counties.

For more information on the South Dakota State Historical Society’s Deadwood Fund grant program, contact the State Historic Preservation Office in Pierre; telephone (605) 773-3458 or e-mail

About the South Dakota State Historical Society
The South Dakota State Historical Society is a division of the Department of Education. The State Historical Society, an Affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution, is headquartered in Pierre. For questions or memberships, call (605) 773-3458 or visit for more information. The society also has an archaeology office in Rapid City; call (605) 394-1936 for more information.